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​​​Research Paper Presenters List
by Main Author's Name
Hall 8A, 8B and 8C 


Author: A. R. M Ariffin, N. Q. Abd Rahman

Title: Reclaiming Food Security: Assessing Abandoned Spaces as Potential Urban Farms in Lower-Income Kuala Lumpur

16 Nov, 1545-1600 Hall 8B


Author: Abd Muluk Abd Manan, Pande Putu Dwi Novigga Artha, Ni Putu Ratih Pradnyaswari Anasta Putri

Title: Impact of Implementing Biophilic Design Principle on High-Rise Buildings in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Public Perception.

16 Nov, 1630-1645 Hall 8C


Author: Adam Linde Nielsen, Bhawna Jaimini

Title: Sustainable Rebuilding: From Local Methodologies to Global Strategies 

16 Nov, 1015-1030 Hall 8B


Author: Agus S. Ekomadyo, Eko Agus Prasetio, Ahmad Zuhdi Allam, Dini Agumsari

Title: Heritage, Innovation, and Sustainability: Discourse from Sragi, Pekalongan, Indonesia

16 Nov, 1600-1615 Hall 8C


Author: Ainsley Lewis

Title: Community Initiatives to Preserve and Promote Cultural Heritage - Mumbai, India

16 Nov, 1130-1145 Hall 8A


Author: Alan Cheung, Sarah Mui, Stephanie Cheung

Title: People Make Places: Rediscovering Hong Kong's Cultural Heritage through Placemaking

17 Nov, 1415-1430 Hall 8A


Author: Andrew N. Fayek, Basil Kamel, Heba Allah Khalil

Title: Investigating Place Attachment Theory And Its Triggers In Historic Buildings In Different Contexts In Cairo

16 Nov, 1100-1115 Hall 8B


Author: Azim A Aziz

Title: Diversecity For Humanity And Sustainable Growth

17 Nov, 1100-1115 Hall 8A


Author: Caryn Paredes-Santillan, Michael F. Manalo, John Clemence M. Pinlac

Title: By Rail and Mail: Understanding the significance of colonial architecture for mass transport and communication in the Philippines

17 Nov, 1545-1600 Hall 8C


Author: Changjuan Hu, Gong Cong, Long Hao

Title: Exploring the Intrinsic Ecology and Suitable Density of Historic Districts Through a Comparative Analysis of Ancient and Modern Ecological Smart Practices

16 Nov, 1430-1445 Hall 8C


Author: Chris Mavuti, Tumelo Makofane, Maureen Ndirangu, Nkosinathi Ngele, Kgaugelo Lekalakala

Title: An Architectural Alchemy: Forging the Future by Bridging Traditional Architectural Principles with Modern Innovations in Kenya and South Africa

17 Nov, 1430-1445 Hall 8C


Author: Cornelius Kyei Boateng, Kwamena Akraba Quagraine, Victor Kwesi Quagraine

Title: Resilient Waterfront Architecture And Planning To Curb Urban Sprawl Along Water Bodies – The Case Of Weija Reservoir, Ghana

17 Nov, 1515-1530 Hall 8C


Author: Eron Friedlaender, Stuart Neilson, Jennifer Carpenter, Irina Verona

Title: Advancing Meaningful Inclusion Through Design: An Architecture of Dis/Ability

16 Nov, 1100-1115 Hall 8A


Author: Farhana Mohammed Isa, David Grierson

Title: Nature-based Experiences in Urban Preschool Environment: A Systematic Contextual Mapping Study

17 Nov, 1545-1600 Hall 8B


Author: Feitosa, Maria José G. 

Title: Curitiba: The First Creative Sustainable City in Brazil

17 Nov, 1715-1730 Hall 8B


Author: Gao Chen, Hu Shi

Title: Discussion on The Technical System Of Protection and Restoration of Historical District - Taking The Protection and Renovation of Qingguo Lane Historic District in Changzhou as An Example

17 Nov, 1100-1155 Hall 8C


Author: Gene Lambert R. Giron, Nattapong Punnoi

Title: Identifying the Barriers and Drivers of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Implementation in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Analysis of TOD Implementation and Resources and Tools by World Bank (WB) and Identified Developing Southeast Asian Countries TOD Policies

17 Nov, 1445-1500 Hall 8B


Author: Gita Balakrishnan

Title: Making Invisible Monuments Visible

16 Nov, 1430-1445 Hall 8A


Author: Haiyang Huang, Wei Zhang, Menghua Wang

Title: Old Beijing, New Life

16 Nov, 1400-1415 Hall 8A


Author: Hitomi Yatani, Takafumi Shimizu

Title: Experimental Study on The Relationship Between The Reflections From Surrounding Performers and Acoustic Properties

16 Nov, 1630-1600 Hall 8B


Author: In-Souk Cho

Title: Reconsidering The Heritage Value - Challenging Authenticity and Integrity - Three Cases at The Time of Urban Redevelopment in Seoul

17 Nov, 1600-1615 Hall 8C


Author: Irina Akhmanova

Title: Stadium as An Inclusive Public Space for Resilient Community

16 Nov, 1045-1100 Hall 8A


Author: Jagriti Pathak, Jayantajit Buragohain

Title: Urbanization And Sustainability: Designing For The Future – A Case Of Guwahati

17 Nov, 1700-1715 Hall 8B


Author: Jingchi Zhang

Title: A Study Of Place Making In Historical And Cultural Districts Driven By Cultural Conservation

16 Nov, 1515-1530 Hall 8B


Author: Kaavya Azad, Akshaya MR

Title: Impact of Gender-Neutral Retail Design: An Investigation into Spatial Inequalities Prevalent in Fast Fashion Stores

17 Nov, 1130-1145 Hall 8A


Author: Katsushi Goto, Hikaru Shimazaki,Tomoaki Tanaka

Title: Spatial Analysis in The Process of Housing Development: Use and Role of 3D Measurement Technology Through The Case of Prey Veng Province, Cambodia

17 Nov, 1145-1200 Hall 8C


Author: Kweku Addo - Atuah

Title: Inflow/Outlfow: A Web Of Contrasting Realities And Aspirations In Shapeshifting Urban Accra

16 Nov, 1645-1700 Hall 8A


16 Nov, 1145-1200 Hall 8C


Author: Lee Chi Fung Brian, Siu Kwan Yeung Marco, Kan Sze Nok Sharon, Kong Andy Padraig, Kwok Yuen Ying Venus

Title: Rewilding Pre-Rehabilitation of Post-Industrial Landscape

16 Nov, 1400-1415 Hall 8B


Author: Lingege Long, Qingxiang Li, Zhenkun Gan 

Title: The Spatial Characteristics of the Hmong Rural Settlements Landscape in Huayuan County at Western Hunan, China

16 Nov, 1445-1500 Hall 8C


Author: Man Kwan Julia Lau, Kwai Shun Mirage Chow

Title: Saving Hong Kong Disappearing Village Heritage

16 Nov, 1200-1215 Hall 8C


Author: Melody Hoi-Lam Yiu, Sze Wai Veera Fung

Title: Gendered Experience in Public Space: Design as Tool of Empowerment Towards Social Sustainability

17 Nov, 1200-1215 Hall 8A


Author: Mipo Tchinkou Edith Flaure, Mohamadou Hafis

Title: How Cameroonian Cultural Heritage is Rich but Neglected: A Critical Analysis of the Roles and Responsibilities of Various Stakeholders

17 Nov, 1045-1100 Hall 8A


Author: Mohd Nur Ihsan Ishak, Hanum Ain Zainal and Azzatul Shima Adnan

Title: The Iconic of River of Life

16 Nov, 1200-1215 Hall 8B


Author: Muhammad Ismail Hasan, Asrul Mahjuddin Ressang Aminuddin, Hazrina Haja Bava Mohidin, Previari Umi Pramesti 

Title: Review of Orientation In Traditional Indonesian Housing: Framework of Locality-Based on Islamic Architecture Design

17 Nov, 1400-1415 Hall 8A


Author: Nadia Almira Jordan, Rulliannor Syah Putra, Miswar Ariansyah

Title: Urban Fabric Investigation: A Review of Spatial Solid-Void of A District Center

17 Nov, 1015-1030 Hall 8B


Author: Nayem Ahasan Srijon, Mohammed Zakiul Islam

Title: Nayem Ahasan Srijon, Mohammed Zakiul IslamA Comprehensive Study of Architects’ and Non-Architects’ Perceptions of Building Facades through the Lens of Environmental Perception Theory

16 Nov, 1430-1445 Hall 8B


Author: Neelam Manjunath

Title: The Bamboo City: Nature-Based Development Model for a Regenerative City Through Bamboo

16 Nov, 1415-1430 Hall 8B


Author: Nicole Mesquita-Mendes

Title: Designing For Super Diversity: Transcultural Identity, Participation and Place

17 Nov, 1700-1715 Hall 8A


Author: Noor Ruzaini Adam, Azlina Aziz, Shuhaila Sulaiman

Title: Universal Design and Accessibility Performance in Public Buildings: Perspectives of Malaysia’s Public Works Department

17 Nov, 1645-1700 Hall 8A


Author: Norzaini Mufti, Ida Marlina Mazlan

Title: Enhancing Housing Development Guidelines for Sustainable Growth: A Proposal for Contextual Density Planning

17 Nov, 1530-1545 Hall 8A


Author: Nur Rasyiqah Abu Hassan

Title: Rethinking Liveable Heritage: From the Experts Perspectives

17 Nov, 1715-1730 Hall 8C


Author: Pashmeena Ghom, Abraham George, Neha Jaiswal

Title: Biocentrism in Urban Planning: Reimagining Neighbourhood Development with Life at the Centre

16 Nov, 1715-1730 Hall 8B


Author: Qiguo Li, Yingfeng Hu

Title: The Construction of Cultural Gene Map and Revitalization Strategies for Industrial Heritage: A Case Study of Hanyang Ironworks in Wuhan

17 Nov, 1115-1130 Hall 8B


Author: Rocío del Alba Álvarez Sánchez

Title: Natural Processes and Spatial Mobility In The Territory. Nuevo Santa Rosa, Cura Mori – Piura, With de Presence of El Niño Phenomenon 2017

17 Nov, 1200-1215 Hall 8B


Author: Roopa Sree Ram S.R.

Title: Nurturing Sustainable Urban Futures Through Density Optimization 

17 Nov, 1130-0000 Hall 8b


Author: S. M. Arafat Hossain, Apurba K Podder, Naimul Aziz

Title: City Within A City: Refugee Architecture for Cultural Void of The Rohingya Children at Balukhali Refugee Camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

16 Nov, 1445-1500 Hall 8A


Author: Salik Ram Subedi, Sudha Shrestha

Title: Kathmandu Valley: A Living Cultural Heritage City of Nepal

17 Nov, 1415-1430 Hall 8C


Author: Shinezaya Enkhbat, Namuun Ariunbayar, Baigal-Erdene Baigalsaikhan, Mohd Azli

Title: Study of The Decorative Diversity Elements on Buildings During The Socialist Period in Mongolia   

17 Nov, 1445-1500 Hall 8A


Author: Shuyi Huang, Ana Anton, Benjamin Dillenburger, Weiguo Xu

Title: Lamella-inspired 3D Concrete Printed Column-slab System: Balancing Act for Productivity and Sustainability

16 Nov, 1645-1700 Hall 8C


Author: Sonali Walimbe, RamaDevi Nandineni, Sumita Rege

Title: Exploring Children's Connections to Nature Through Photovoice in School Environments

16 Nov, 1700-1715 Hall 8C


Author: Sulakshana Bhanushali, Supriya Nene

Title: ‘Vastu Shastra’- An Important Aspect of Culture and Heritage in the Design and Planning of Sustainable Cities

17 Nov, 1015-1030 Hall 8A


Author: Tan Yee Lyn

Title: A Vision of Kuala Lumpur 2040 

16 Nov, 1145-1200 Hall 8B


Author: Tomoaki Tanaka, Hikaru Shimazaki

Title: A Study of Site Planning Integrated With Sustainable Stormwater Management in The Scale of Building - Comparative Analysis Utilizing 3D Measurement Technology – Part 2

16 Nov, 1700-1715 Hall 8B


Author: Viet Huy Nguyen, Thi Huong Lan Vu, Van Hai Tran

Title: Indigenous Modernization in New Design and Architectural Renovation of Rural Housing in the Red River Delta (North of Vietnam)

17 Nov, 1430-1445 Hall 8A


Author: Wen Ouyang, Zuozheng Shi, Yujun Guan

Title: Study on Renewal Strategy of Traditional Villages in Beijing Suburbs from the Perspective of Catalytic Effect - A Case Study of Shuiyu Village in Fangshan District

16 Nov, 1545-1600 Hall 8C


Author: Xin Zhao, Zuobin Wu

Title: Generation and Analysis of Urban Morphology in the Qinba Mountains: A GAN-Based Approach for Small Towns in Southern Shaanxi

16 Nov, 1130-1145 Hall 8B


Author: Yixuan Yang

Title: Symbiotic Ideology in Historical Layering: Sustainable Development of Linhai City in Urbanisation

16 Nov, 1145-1200 Hall 8A


Author: Yuhong Chen, Li Zhang

Title: Architectural Styles through the Lens of Artificial Intelligence: A Review

17 Nov, 1200-1215 Hall 8C


Author: Zihao Wang, Yikang Zhang, Minfeng Yao, Xiaomin Chen, Zhijunjie Zhai

Title: Research on the Spatial Agglomeration Characteristics of Commercial Service Facilities in the Osaka Metro Midōsuji Line Rail Transit Station Area

16 Nov, 1415-1430 Hall 8C


Author: Zuhrotul Mawaddatil Ula, I Gusti Ngurah Andracana, Arina Hayati, Sarah Cahyadini

Title: Extent of Inclusive Design from Indonesian Architects’ Perspective

16 Nov, 1015-1030 Hall 8A


Author: Aakriti Shrestha, Takafumi Shimizu

Title: Do Renovation of Kominka Offer an Efficient Path to Town Revitalization and Energy Efficiency?

17 Nov, 1515-1530 Hall 8B


Author: Acharawan Chutarat

Title: Mangrove Cultural Identity Towards Net-Zero Flood Resilient Architecture

17 Nov, 1215-1230 Hall 8B


Author: Afifah Mohd. Adam

Title: Adaptive Reuse of Vacant Commercial Buildings into Urban Affordable Housing

17 Nov, 1600-1615 Hall 8A


Author: Ahmad Saifudin Mutaqi, Suparwoko, Agus Setiawan, Purnama Salura, Reginaldo Christopori Lake

Title: Harmony in Contrast: Architectural Innovation in Preserving Candi Kimpulan in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

17 Nov, 1645-1700 Hall 8C


Author: Akshaya Vaideeswaran, Anupama Pavithran

Title: Influence of Experiential Dining Spaces on Enhancing the Flavours of Culinary Experience in Carnatic Regions of India

16 Nov, 1215-1230 Hall 8A


Author: Ammar Zuhdi Bin Mohd Alayudin, Cristina González-Longo

Title: Capturing, Analysing and Interpreting the Complexities of Built Heritage in Historic Cities:  Cultural Approaches and BIM Methodologies for Appropriate Conservation

17 Nov, 1130-1145 Hall 8C


Author: António Manuel Rodrigues Oliveira

Title: A New Social Imagination

16 Nov, 1600-1615 Hall 8A


Author: Calle Quispe Vania Susana

Title: Multilocal Hyperstitions In The Urbatecture of The City of El Alto - Bolivia

16 Nov, 1445-1500 Hall 8C


Author: Cédrix Sthève Tsambang Fokou, Christolle Tsambang, Jean Christophe Ndongo

Title: Metamorphosis 2050: Beyond Density, Crafting an Antifragile Future for African Cities 

16 Nov, 1530-1545 Hall 8B


Author: Chih-Wen Lan

Title: The Role of Historical Streets and Mixed-Era Buildings in Shaping Urban Identity and Quality: A Case Study of Zhongshan North-South Road, Taipei City

17 Nov, 1030-1045 Hall 8C


Author: Cong Gong, Yu Cao, Changjuan Hu

Title: A Study on Refining the Supply-Demand Balance of "Parks-Residents" in Mountain Community Based - an Example of Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China

16 Nov, 1715-1730 Hall 8C


Author: Corrin Chan Chan-Yi

Title: Hong Kong - A High Density City into an Era of Sustainability

17 Nov, 1630-1645 Hall 8B


Author: Esmonde Yap Shiwen

Title: Achieving Density and Sustainable Growth in Architecture: Addressing Current Challenges and Anticipating Future Solutions

17 Nov, 1430-1445 Hall 8B


Author: Farooq Ameen

Title: Decoding Asian Urbanism

16 Nov, 1415-1430 Hall 8A


Author: FJinyi Chen, Jiajun Li, Xin Wu, Jintong Rao

Title: Preventive Monitoring and Early Warning of Fire Risks in Timber Heritage Buildings: A Case Study of Hualin Temple in Fuzhou, China

17 Nov, 1445-1500 Hall 8C


Author: Gavin Tio Kang Hui

Title: Physical Architecture Relevance in Designing Virtual Environment

16 Nov, 1400-1415 Hall 8C


Author: Georgia Cheirchanteri

Title: Cities Cultural Heritage Resilience versus the Urban Web Development. Case Study: The City of Athens

16 Nov, 1215-1230 Hall 8B


Author: Graeme Bristol

Title: Architecture, Anarchism, and Human Rights

16 Nov, 1515-1530 Hall 8A


Author: Hikaru Shimazaki, Tomoaki Tanaka

Title: A Study Of Site Planning Integrated With Sustainable Stormwater Management In The Scale Of District - Comparative Analysis Utilizing 3D Measurement Technology - Part 1

16 Nov, 1645-1700 Hall 8B


Author: I Nyoman Gede Maha Putra, Joseph Aranha, Made Arya Adiartha, Tjokorda Gede Dalem Suparsa

Title: Southeast Asian Vernacular Settlement and Its Architectural Transformation: Tenganan Pegeringsingan in Bali as a Case Study

17 Nov, 1630-1645 Hall 8C


Author: Indra Prakash Shah, Shreema Rana, Samriddhi Shrestha, Sadichchha Shrestha

Title: Study of Changes in Vernacular Architecture of Baitadi; A Case Study of Baskot Village in Baitadi District of Nepal

17 Nov, 1700-1715 Hall 8C


Author: Irwan Ahmad Akbar

Title: Multiplying Barakah to Waliullah: The Quranic Manifestation in a Sociological Context within the Tarekat Community in East Java, Indonesia

16 Nov, 1200-1215 Hall 8A


Author: Javier Mora, Milton Garavito

Title: Rethinking Urban Resilience: A Bottom-Up Approach to Public Space Management in Bogotá, Colombia

16 Nov, 1045-1100 Hall 8B


Author: José Eduardo Villanueva Choquehuanca

Title: The Telepolis as a Tool for Citizen Inclusion in Identity Construction

17 Nov, 1030-1045 Hall 8B


Author: Kai Zhou, Jia-Wei Leng

Title: Research On The Spatial Boundary Design Of Urban Underground Space For The Composite Use Of Urban Green Space

17 Nov, 1530-1545 Hall 8C


Author: Kgaugelo Lekalakala, Khulani Nkala, Maureen Ndirangu, Tumelo Makofane, Chilando, Chris Mavuti

Title: How Healthcare Infrastructure Contributes to The Sustainability of Future African Mega-Cities

17 Nov, 1630-1645 Hall 8A


Author: Lau Hei Mun Kathy

Title: The Role of Heritage Architecture in Central: Cultural Conservation or Conversion? - Case Study of The “30 Houses” Neighbourhood Under Hong Kong’s Conservation Policies, and The Influence of Public Participation on Local Conservation Projects

17 Nov, 1400-1415 Hall 8C


Author: Laura Dallabrida Leite e Silva, Letícia Tamisari Ferreira, Elisabete França

Title: From Socioenvironmental Inequality to Sustainable Development: The Case of Cantinho do Céu

17 Nov, 1215-1230 Hall 8A


Author: Lim Teng Ngiom

Title: Thick Crust City: Kuala Lumpur

16 Nov, 1045-1100 Hall 8C


Author: Maha Samman

Title: Production of Urban Space in Conflict Areas-Contested Binaries and Spatial Injustice in Palestine

17 Nov, 1100-1115 Hall 8B


Author: Mara Vida

Title: Interaction and Co-Participation in Generating the Urban Form: The Case of Oradea City Center

17 Nov, 1415-1430 Hall 8B


Author: Mihaela Hărmănescu, Vasile-Sorin Manea, Angelica Stan

Title: Heritage Sustainability Along the Danube: Small and Medium-Sized Cities

16 Nov, 1530-1545 Hall 8C


Author: Mitchell Tony Mos, Nur Izzati Sebri, Nur Atiqah Husaini

Title: Reminiscing The Heritage of The Old Indian Mosque in Kuching, Sarawak

16 Nov, 1515-1530 Hall 8C


Author: Mohd. Shahrudin Abd. Manan, Yap Zhen Yuan

Title: Parasitic Architecture: Developing a Thematic Design Framework for Adaptive Reuse as an Urban Regeneration Strategy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

16 Nov, 1700-1715 Hall 8A


Author: Mustapha Kamal Zulkarnain, Siti Fatimah Ilani Bilyamin

Title: Urban Connectors: Blue, Green and Grey as Catalysts for City Liveability in the Built Environment

16 Nov, 1030-1045 Hall 8C


Author: Natalie Mossin, Ingeborg Christiane Hau, Anne Beim

Title: Sustainable Futures: Learning from Copenhagen 

17 Nov, 1645-1700 Hall 8B


Author: Ndirangu Maureen Muthoni, Lekalakala Kgaugelo, Oriaro Ibrahim Damianus Masere

Title: Black Bodies in Diverse Cities

16 Nov, 1630-1645 Hall 8A


Author: Neha Singhi

Title: Motivations and Barriers in Slum Relocation

17 Nov, 1045-1100 Hall 8B


Author: Nitya Bali, Imamur Hossain

Title: Paradox of Preservations: Navigating the Dichotomy between Protected and Unprotected Heritage Sites in India and Bangladesh

16 Nov, 1215-1230 Hall 8C


Author: Nor Hayati Hussain, Kadhiraven Samynathan

Title: Reinvigorating A City Through Water Conservation: Review of Literature

17 Nov, 1600-1615 Hall 8B


Author: Nur Halinda Halimi, Yussuriani Ome Yusof

Title: MS 1184 : Awareness Among Designers and Allied Assistants of the Built Environment in Malaysia

16 Nov, 1530-1545 Hall 8A


Author: Paolo Caroli

Title: Diversecitysm: Matching Vitruvius’s De Architectura and the Jonasian Ecological Imperative

16 Nov, 1715-1730 Hall 8B


Author: Peter W. Ferretto, Man Yan Lam, Ziwei Liu

Title: Rural Sustainability: Children’s Libraries as a Tool to Revive Rural Villages in China

16 Nov, 1030-1045 Hall 8B


Author: Qingxiang Li, Guidong Yang, Lingege Long 

Title: Comparison of 3D Reconstruction Tools for Public Participation in Architectural Heritage Conservation

17 Nov, 1215-1230 Hall 8C


Author: Rong Yuefang, Song Jian, Zhang Dian

Title: Research on Classification Evaluation and Strategy of Utilization of Historical Buildings - Taking 54 Historical Buildings in Beijing Old City as an Example

17 Nov, 1045-1100 Hall 8C


Author: Ruffina Thilakaratne, Calvin Zhiyong Liang

Title: Resilient Residential Developments: Design Strategies for High-Density Cities

17 Nov, 1545-1600 Hall 8A


Author: Sakar Shrestha

Title: Newari Heritage, Commoner To Luxury - A State To Loss Identity - A Case Of Kathmandu

17 Nov, 1130-1145 Hall 8B


Author: Shaheena Baksh, Arulmalar Ramara

Title: Exploring the role of Population density and Housing to achieve Sustainable Urban Growth - A Case of Hyderabad, India

17 Nov, 1400-1415 Hall 8B


Author: Shraddha Jathan, Nikita Rathish

Title: Designing Bangalore City for Human-Avian Coexistence: A Step Towards Including Non-Human Species in Design

16 Nov, 1030-1045 Hall 8A


Author: Shyuan Kuee

Title: Delivering Social, Empathetic and Sustainable Architecture in Malaysia

17 Nov, 1145-1200 Hall 8B


Author: Sujata Shakya, Sameer Ratna Bajrachry

Title: Dhamma Arunachala: An Exemplary Self-Efficient and Self-Sufficient Centre

17 Nov, 1530-1545 Hall 8B


Author: Sunnie S.Y. Lau, Rosalia H.C. Leung, Yijia Miao

Title: Inclusive Design for All – Human and Ecology

17 Nov, 1145-1200 Hall 8A


Author: Tasnova Iqbal, Muhammad Shadman Mahtab

Title: Introduce Climate-Sensitive Building Codes to Reduce Urban Density And Encourage Sustainable Urban Growth

16 Nov, 1015-1030 Hall 8C


Author: Twinomugisha Denis, Rozia Haji Adenan, Zulkefle Ismail

Title: Strengthening Social-Resilience in Settlements; Creating A Resilient Model Village Brunei

17 Nov, 1515-1530 Hall 8A


Author: Wajiha Siddiqui, Sadia Siddiqui, Muhammad Mehdi, Muhammad Nafeel Qureshi

Title: Sustainable Urban Cities: How to Design Livable Cities 

16 Nov, 1600-1615 Hall 8B


Author: Xin Wu, Yu Wang, Chenxi Wang, Xiaoling Dai, Zhengkai Xu

Title: Educational Equity for Children of Long-Term Inner Migrant Workers

17 Nov, 1715-1730 Hall 8A


Author: Yaseri D. Apritasari, Parlindungan Ravelino, Felise Livia Wibowo

Title: Multi-Sensorial Architectural Design As A Design Element For The Visually Impaired (A Potential Equity And Universal Design For Diffable)

16 Nov, 1545-1600 Hall 8A


Author: Yolanda Van Der Vyver

Title: Diverse[city] in the Immaterial Cultural Heritages of Zanzibar Town’s Two Sides

17 Nov, 1015-1030 Hall 8C


Author: Zarrin Tasnim

Title: Ragamala Architecture: Architecture of Melodic Garlands

17 Nov, 1030-1045 Hall 8A


Author: Ziheng Wang, Li Zhang

Title: Study on Visual Perception Patterns of Public Space in Urban High-Density Residential Areas in Chinese City: The Example of Xi’an

16 Nov, 1100-1115 Hall 8C

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