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Research Papers Presentations
Venue: ​​​Hall 8A, 8B & 8C

  17 Nov 2024, Session 1 & 2: 1015-12:30  


17 Nov, 1015-1030 Hall 8A

Author: Sulakshana Bhanushali, Supriya Nene


Title: ‘Vastu Shastra’- An Important Aspect Of Culture And Heritage In The Design And Planning Of Sustainable Cities


17 Nov, 1030-1045 Hall 8A

Author: Zarrin Tasnim


Title: Ragamala Architecture: Architecture of Melodic Garlands


17 Nov, 1045-1100 Hall 8A

Author: Mipo Tchinkou Edith Flaure, Mohamadou Hafis


Title: How Cameroonian Cultural Heritage is Rich but Neglected: A Critical Analysis of the Roles and Responsibilities of Various Stakeholders


17 Nov, 1100-1115 Hall 8A

Author: Azim A Aziz​


Title: Diversecity For Humanity And Sustainable Growth


17 Nov, 1130-1145 Hall 8A

Author: Kaavya Azad, Akshaya MR


Title: Impact of Gender-Neutral Retail Design: An Investigation into Spatial Inequalities Prevalent in Fast Fashion Stores


17 Nov, 1145-1200 Hall 8A

Author: Sunnie S.Y. Lau, Rosalia H.C. Leung, Yijia Miao


Title: Inclusive Design for All – Human and Ecology





17 Nov, 1200-1215 Hall 8A

Author: Melody Hoi-Lam Yiu, Sze Wai Veera Fung


Title: Gendered Experience in Public Space: Design as Tool of Empowerment Towards Social Sustainability


17 Nov, 1215-1230 Hall 8A

Author: Laura Dallabrida Leite e Silva, Letícia Tamisari Ferreira, Elisabete França


Title: From Socioenvironmental Inequality to Sustainable Development: The Case of Cantinho do Céu


17 Nov, 1015-1030 Hall 8B

Author: Nadia Almira Jordan, Rulliannor Syah Putra, Miswar Ariansyah


Title: Urban Fabric Investigation: A Review of Spatial Solid-Void of A District Center


17 Nov, 1030-1045 Hall 8B

Author: José Eduardo Villanueva Choquehuanca


Title: The Telepolis as a Tool for Citizen Inclusion in Identity Construction


16 Nov, 1045-1100 Hall 8B

Author: Neha Singhi


Title: Motivations and Barriers in Slum Relocation


17 Nov, 1100-1115 Hall 8B

Author: Maha Samman


Title: Production of Urban Space in Conflict Areas-Contested Binaries and Spatial Injustice in Palestine


17 Nov, 1115-1130 Hall 8B

Author: Qiguo Li, Yingfeng Hu


Title: The Construction of Cultural Gene Map and Revitalization Strategies for Industrial Heritage: A Case Study of Hanyang Ironworks in Wuhan


17 Nov, 1130-1145 Hall 8B

Author: Roopa Sree Ram S.R.


Title: Nurturing Sustainable Urban Futures Through Density Optimization 






17 Nov, 1145-1200 Hall 8B

Author: Shyuan Kuee


Title: Delivering Social, Empathetic and Sustainable Architecture in Malaysia



17 Nov, 1200-1215 Hall 8B

Author: Rocío del Alba Álvarez Sánchez


Title: Natural Processes and Spatial Mobility In The Territory. Nuevo Santa Rosa, Cura Mori – Piura, With de Presence of El Niño Phenomenon 2017


17 Nov, 1215-1230 Hall 8B

Author: Acharawan Chutarat


Title: Mangrove Cultural Identity Towards Net-Zero Flood Resilient Architecture


17 Nov, 1015-1030 Hall 8C

Author: Yolanda Van Der Vyver


Title: Diverse[city] in the Immaterial Cultural Heritages of Zanzibar Town’s Two Sides


17 Nov, 1030-1045 Hall 8C

Author: Chih-Wen Lan


Title: The Role of Historical Streets and Mixed-Era Buildings in Shaping Urban Identity and Quality: A Case Study of Zhongshan North-South Road, Taipei City


17 Nov, 1045-1100 Hall 8C

Author: Rong Yuefang, Song Jian, Zhang Dian


Title: Research on Classification Evaluation and Strategy of Utilization of Historical Buildings - Taking 54 Historical Buildings in Beijing Old City as an Example


17 Nov, 1100-1115 Hall 8C

Author: Gao Chen, Hu Shi


Title: Discussion on The Technical System Of Protection and Restoration of Historical District - Taking The Protection and Renovation of Qingguo Lane Historic District in Changzhou as An Example


17 Nov, 1130-1145 Hall 8C

Author: Ammar Zuhdi Bin Mohd Alayudin, Cristina González-Longo


Title: Capturing, Analysing and Interpreting the Complexities of Built Heritage in Historic Cities:  Cultural Approaches and BIM Methodologies for Appropriate Conservation


17 Nov, 1145-1200 Hall 8C

Author: Katsushi Goto, Hikaru Shimazaki,Tomoaki Tanaka


Title: Spatial Analysis in The Process of Housing Development: Use and Role of 3D Measurement Technology Through The Case of Prey Veng Province, Cambodia


17 Nov, 1200-1215 Hall 8C

Author: Yuhong Chen, Li Zhang


Title: Architectural Styles through the Lens of Artificial Intelligence: A Review


17 Nov, 1215-1230 Hall 8C

Author:  Nitya Bali, Imamur Hossain


Title: Paradox of Preservations: Navigating the Dichotomy between Protected and Unprotected Heritage Sites in India and Bangladesh 

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