Research Papers Presentations
Venue: Hall 8A, 8B & 8C
16 Nov 2024, Session 3, 4 & 5: 1400-17:30
16 Nov, 1400-1415 Hall 8A
Author: Haiyang Huang, Wei Zhang, Menghua Wang
Title: Old Beijing, New Life
16 Nov, 1415-1430 Hall 8A
Author: Farooq Ameen
Title: Decoding Asian Urbanism
16 Nov, 1430-1445 Hall 8A
Author: Gita Balakrishnan
Title: Making Invisible Monuments Visible
16 Nov, 1445-1500 Hall 8A
Author: S. M. Arafat Hossain, Apurba K Podder, Naimul Aziz
Title: City Within A City: Refugee Architecture for Cultural Void of The Rohingya Children at Balukhali Refugee Camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
16 Nov, 1515-1530 Hall 8A
Author: Graeme Bristol
Title: Architecture, Anarchism, and Human Rights
16 Nov, 1530-1545 Hall 8A
Author: Nur Halinda Halimi, Yussuriani Ome Yusof
Title: MS 1184 : Awareness Among Designers and Allied Assistants of the Built Environment in Malaysia
16 Nov, 1545-1600 Hall 8A
Author: Yaseri D. Apritasari, Parlindungan Ravelino, Felise Livia Wibowo
Title: Multi-Sensorial Architectural Design as a Design Element for The Visually Impaired (A Potential Equity and Universal Design for Diffable)
16 Nov, 1600-1615 Hall 8A
Author: António Manuel Rodrigues Oliveira
Title: A New Social Imagination
16 Nov, 1630-1645 Hall 8A
Author: Ndirangu Maureen Muthoni, Lekalakala Kgaugelo, Oriaro Ibrahim Damianus Masere
Title: Black Bodies in Diverse Cities
16 Nov, 1645-1700 Hall 8A
Author: Kweku Addo - Atuah
Title: Inflow/Outlfow: A Web Of Contrasting Realities And Aspirations In Shapeshifting Urban Accra
16 Nov, 1700-1715 Hall 8A
Author: Mohd. Shahrudin Abd. Manan, Yap Zhen Yuan
Title: Parasitic Architecture: Developing a Thematic Design Framework for Adaptive Reuse as an Urban Regeneration Strategy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
16 Nov, 1715-1730 Hall 8A
Author: Pashmeena Ghom, Abraham George, Neha Jaiswal
Title: Biocentrism in Urban Planning: Reimagining Neighbourhood Development with Life at the Centre
16 Nov, 1400-1415 Hall 8B
Author: Lee Chi Fung Brian, Siu Kwan Yeung Marco, Kan Sze Nok Sharon, Kong Andy Padraig, Kwok Yuen Ying Venus
Title: Rewilding Pre-Rehabilitation of Post-Industrial Landscape
16 Nov, 1415-1430 Hall 8B
Author: Neelam Manjunath
Title: The Bamboo City: Nature-Based Development Model for a Regenerative City Through Bamboo
16 Nov, 1430-1445 Hall 8B
Author: Nayem Ahasan Srijon, Mohammed Zakiul Islam
Title: A Comprehensive Study of Architects’ and Non-Architects’ Perceptions of Building Facades through the Lens of Environmental Perception Theory
16 Nov, 1445-1500 Hall 8B
Author: Lingege Long, Qingxiang Li, Zhenkun Gan
Title: The Spatial Characteristics of the Hmong Rural Settlements Landscape in Huayuan County at Western Hunan, China
16 Nov, 1515-1530 Hall 8B
Author: Jingchi Zhang
Title: A Study Of Place Making In Historical And Cultural Districts Driven By Cultural Conservation
16 Nov, 1530-1545 Hall 8B
Author: Cédrix Sthève Tsambang Fokou, Christolle Tsambang, Jean Christophe Ndongo
Title: Metamorphosis 2050: Beyond Density, Crafting an Antifragile Future for African Cities
16 Nov, 1545-1600 Hall 8B
Author: A. R. M Ariffin, N. Q. Abd Rahman
Title: Reclaiming Food Security: Assessing Abandoned Spaces as Potential Urban Farms in Lower-Income Kuala Lumpur
16 Nov, 1600-1615 Hall 8B
Author: Wajiha Siddiqui, Sadia Siddiqui, Muhammad Mehdi, Muhammad Nafeel Qureshi
Title: Sustainable Urban Cities: How to Design Livable Cities
16 Nov, 1630-1645 Hall 8B
Author: Hitomi Yatani, Takafumi Shimizu
Title: Experimental Study on The Relationship Between The Reflections From Surrounding Performers and Acoustic Properties
16 Nov, 1645-1700 Hall 8B
Author: Hikaru Shimazaki, Tomoaki Tanaka
Title: A Study Of Site Planning Integrated With Sustainable Stormwater Management In The Scale Of District - Comparative Analysis Utilizing 3D Measurement Technology - Part 1
16 Nov, 1700-1715 Hall 8B
Author: Tomoaki Tanaka, Hikaru Shimazaki
Title: A Study of Site Planning Integrated With Sustainable Stormwater Management in The Scale of Building - Comparative Analysis Utilizing 3D Measurement Technology – Part 2
16 Nov, 1715-1730 Hall 8B
Author: Paolo Caroli
Title: Diversecitysm: Matching Vitruvius’s De Architectura and the Jonasian Ecological Imperative
16 Nov, 1400-1415 Hall 8C
Author: Gavin Tio Kang Hui
Title: Physical Architecture Relevance in Designing Virtual Environment
16 Nov, 1415-1430 Hall 8C
Author: Zihao Wang, Yikang Zhang, Minfeng Yao, Xiaomin Chen, Zhijunjie Zhai
Title: Research on the Spatial Agglomeration Characteristics of Commercial Service Facilities in the Osaka Metro Midōsuji Line Rail Transit Station Area
16 Nov, 1430-1445 Hall 8C
Author: Changjuan Hu, Gong Cong, Long Hao
Title: Exploring the Intrinsic Ecology and Suitable Density of Historic Districts Through a Comparative Analysis of Ancient and Modern Ecological Smart Practices
16 Nov, 1445-1500 Hall 8C
Author: Calle Quispe Vania Susana
Title: Multilocal Hyperstitions In The Urbatecture Of The City Of El Alto - Bolivia
16 Nov, 1515-1530 Hall 8C
Author: Mitchell Tony Mos, Nur Izzati Sebri, Nur Atiqah Husaini
Title: Reminiscing The Heritage of The Old Indian Mosque in Kuching, Sarawak
16 Nov, 1530-1545 Hall 8C
Author: Mihaela Hărmănescu, Vasile-Sorin Manea, Angelica Stan
Title: Heritage Sustainability Along the Danube: Small and Medium-Sized Cities
16 Nov, 1545-1600 Hall 8C
Author: Wen Ouyang, Zuozheng Shi, Yujun Guan
Title: Study on Renewal Strategy of Traditional Villages in Beijing Suburbs from the Perspective of Catalytic Effect - A Case Study of Shuiyu Village in Fangshan District
16 Nov, 1600-1615 Hall 8C
Author: Agus S. Ekomadyo, Eko Agus Prasetio, Ahmad Zuhdi Allam, Dini Agumsari
Title: Heritage, Innovation, and Sustainability: Discourse from Sragi, Pekalongan, Indonesia
16 Nov, 1630-1645 Hall 8C
Author: Abd Muluk Abd Manan, Pande Putu Dwi Novigga Artha, Ni Putu Ratih Pradnyaswari Anasta Putri
Title: Impact of Implementing Biophilic Design Principle on High-Rise Buildings in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Public Perception.
16 Nov, 1645-1700 Hall 8C
Author: Shuyi Huang, Ana Anton, Benjamin Dillenburger, Weiguo Xu
Title: Lamella-inspired 3D Concrete Printed Column-slab System: Balancing Act for Productivity and Sustainability
16 Nov, 1700-1715 Hall 8C
Author: Sonali Walimbe, RamaDevi Nandineni, Sumita Rege
Title: Exploring Children's Connections to Nature Through Photovoice in School Environments
16 Nov, 1715-1730 Hall 8C
Author: Cong Gong, Yu Cao, Changjuan Hu
Title: A Study on Refining the Supply-Demand Balance of "Parks-Residents" in Mountain Community Based - an Example of Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China