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Engineering Association - Jerusalem Centre Seminar: Sustainable Rebuilding - The power of international collaborations.


1630 - 1730 (Hall 7A) 


Session description:

The world around us is in a vulnerable state. All over the world, we see communities struggling to sustain their lives and livelihoods in the surroundings they inhabit. Both the built and natural environment are threatened and devastated by disasters of various natures -social and political conflicts, natural disasters and the ongoing irreversible consequences caused by post industrialisation, climate change and the biodiversity crisis. The challenges communities face varies immensely in character, scale and urgency –but the locally anchored sustainable solution strategies are globally relevant across national, cultural and professional boundaries. We must share, discuss, and exchange local rebuilding methodologies and experiences, learn from each other and rebuild in a way that benefits both people and planet. In this session we will be delving into how local agency, cross-cutting collaborations and knowledge exchange can be driving forces in sustainable rebuilding.


​This is a collaboration between The Engineering Association –Jerusalem Centre and the Royal Danish Academy.


Opening by:

Nadia Habash from The Engineering Association –Jerusalem Centre and Natalie Mossin from the Royal Danish Academy.




Topic 1: ‘Rebuilding Through Times of Climate Change and Raising Sea Levels’

Presenter: Doan Thanh Ha, Founding Partner – H&P Architects (Vietnam)


Topic 2: ‘Rebuilding Through Culture, Commons and Care’

Presenter: Bhawna Jaimini, Founder, Centre for Urban Commons (India)


Topic 3: ‘Rebuilding Through International Collaborations and Knowledge Exchange’

Presenter: Ingeborg Hau–Curator, Royal Danish Academy - Institute of Architecture and Technology (Denmark)


Q&A Session: Conversation with all speakers; Nadia Habash, DoanThanh Ha, Bhawna Jaimini and Ingeborg Hau, to be moderated by Adam Linde.



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